Work Orders, PM & Help Desk

Work Orders, PM & Help Desk

Asset life cycle, preventive maintenance, and work orders
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VLogicFM’s Asset Management / CMMS software provides a holistic, life-cycle solution that maximizes the useful life of facility assets with advanced, drawings-centric asset tracking functionality, preventive maintenance (PM), and on-demand work order scheduling features. The solution also improves asset fix rates with an intuitive mobile app that lets building occupants generate on-demand service requests and lets managers assign repair technicians and oversee the service process.

Regulatory Demands

Life safety standards are designed to protect lives and property from the risk of fire and similar hazards. In healthcare, the bulk of life safety standards are derived from two codes published by the non-profit standards body, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). These codes are: NFPA 101 Life Safety Code (LSC) and NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code. The NFPA standards are regularly updated in response to new building techniques and occupational patterns. Government agencies such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) adopt these LSC changes in periodic rulings.

Drawing Connectivity

Unlike most CMMS systems, assets in VLogicFM are connected to CAD facility drawings. Link a workorder to an asset while viewing the asset in context on the floor plan drawing, in its surrounding area and nearby assets. Analyze repair data in the context of a floor plan. Guide a technician to the asset with a route on a floor plan. The possibilities are endless.


  • Identify and track assets, including asset types
  • Identify and track asset properties including any fire retardant components and other properties
  • Add, and modify PM work order schedules for assets and asset classes
  • Link support documentation to assets: warranties, manufacturer PM schedule recommendations, service provider contacts, etc.
  • Issue and track on-demand work requests, in response to asset breakage or performance degradation

Powerful Workflow Engine

VLogicFM provides a customizable workflow engine that is flexible and can easily accommodate the variation you would expect from organization to organization. The workflow engine lets you define any number of “work types”, “action points” and configurable “actions” that match the workflow you want to achieve. Route workorder executions based on project-based workflows, with management approval processes that match your specific organizational heirarchy.

Asset Registry

Keep a list of your key assets, including technical specifications, photographs, documentation and maintenance procedures.

Labor, Parts and Tools Registry

VLogicFM lets you store details about each of your technicians, the spares or parts for each asset type, and the tools required to execute work orders. Moreover, customizable reports empower managers to track technician productivity and performance.

CMMS Tools Requirements

To streamline compliance with these demanding regulatory requirements, facility managers have universally turned to asset management software tools—computer maintenance management software (CMMS)—that provide the following functions.

VLogicFM CMMS Solutions

The VLogicFM CMMS solution includes three main components that satisfy the above general functions PLUS additional VLogicFM functionalities in RED:

  • Identify and track assets
  • Identify and track asset properties
  • Link support documentation to assets
  • Rapidly find the location of every asset directly on as-built drawings
  • Attach or view asset-related documents and images right on the as-built drawings
  • Run reports detailing asset lists, by floor, by class, etc.
  • Add, modify PM work order schedules for assets and asset classes
  • Optimize PM schedule management with work type groupings containing flexible workflows that match your unique business processes
  • Use flexible maintenance schedules based on equipment type or a maintenance route.
  • Generate, review, and manage PM Work Orders & on demand Service Requests
  • Run daily, weekly, monthly or custom reports for PM Work Orders & on demand Service Requests
  • Issue and track on demand Work Requests
  • Alert service providers/technicians and take their work status update
  • Enable facility managers to oversee tech assignments and verify work status
  • Empower regular, non-technical building occupants to generate work requests from intuitive mobile app
  • Sync mobile app with work requests generated from as-built drawings in the Asset module
  • Streamline linking of work request by linking assets with onsite QR/bar codes

Customer Stories

Abu Dhabi’s large bank initiates project to manage their assets

One of the largest banks in Abu Dhabi owns a huge inventory of assets including IT assets such as laptops and printers. Spread across hundreds of branches and back-office facilities, these assets tend to move around caused by an employee and functional moves and growth. However, the bank lacked a proper system to track the ownership, location, and associated software. The bank selected VLogic a...
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Department of Veterans Affairs New England Regions automates space planning and management using VLogicFM

US Department of Veterans Affairs New England Region (VISN 1) operates 11 medical centers comprising about 9 million square feet of buildings. The VA decided to develop a network wide IWMS that would provide an integrated planning capability, improve the execution of the business processes at the medical centers, and provide a consolidated repository of all facility drawings, documents, and data ...
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Frequently Asked Questions

VLogicFM sets itself apart from the competition with a powerful, drawings-centric model. All assets and asset systems can be linked to architectural and utility as-built drawings, resulting in a substantial boost in maintenance usability. For example, you can find the shut-off valve to a leaky sprinkler head in seconds. Just click on the symbol for the leaky sprinkler head and select “Show connection” to highlight and blink the location of the shut-off valve on the drawings.

No. Drawings are not mandatory. However, drawing connectivity significantly enhances the maintenance process, as demonstrated in the above answer.

Yes. VLogicFM has powerful and customizable workflow functionality that includes an easy-to-use graphic editor for dragging and dropping workflow objects that represent different tasks and actions in your workflow process. You can also configure notification processes and even escalation workflows.

VLogic’s help desk solution, Task Manager, streamlines the complaint management process with four key benefits: (1) Users can easily access the cloud-based tool 24/7 from anywhere; (2) Any building occupant is empowered to request a work order from their mobile devices via a simple, easy to use mobile interface; (3) the same easy interface can be used by managers and technicians to assign tasks to available respondents; (4) managers can track and supervise the entire process from the Work Order module, including reports and workflow management.

Absolutely. Some of our customers use non-VLogic CMMS or ERP systems for tracking and supply chain purposes, but use VLogicFM Work Order and Task Manager for managing occupant work requests and complaints. Others used our user-friendly Work Order module for rendering PM reports.

Absolutely. We developed a web app called Task Manager, that you can access either on a desktop web browser or on a mobile phone, that is designed specifically for making it easy for regular users, not just facility engineers, to submit and track work requests when the HVAC or other office asset breaks in your office.

Please feel free to contact us for more information
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